I was walking home and decided to cut through the schoolyard. Three older boys cornered me and threatened to……well let’s just say they didn’t have good things in mind. Not sure if they were joking or not I ran away hysterically to the principal’s office and Mrs. Meiselas was there. When I told the principal what happened the first thing he asked me was why did I walk through the schoolyard. It was then that Mrs. Meiselas interrupted his insensitive questioning and said, “What difference does that make?” She then insisted that he called my parents to come and get me and she also called the parents of the boys who were involved. She was my advocate!
From that day on she always took a special interest in me. I think she knew that I needed something to boost my self-confidence so she made me her special monitor and I helped her during my lunch and recess times. Even after I graduated and went on to middle school I kept in contact with her and visited her often. She was a compassionate and dedicated teacher who not only cared about her student’s academic success but also how they succeeded socially. I knew I wanted to become that kind of teacher!
A few years ago I was talking to a colleague that is about 17 years older than me and we found out that we were both originally from the same state and went to the same elementary school. What was even more amazing was that Mrs. Meiselas had also inspired her to become a teacher! Wow! All I can say is I hope that I can make a difference in my students lives the way she made a difference in hers!
I'm sure all of your students are thankful to Mrs. Meiselas because now they have such an awesome teacher in YOU because of her. Teaching is certainly not an easy job, but the rewards are certainly priceless. And endless.
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week Fellow Educator! I've been enjoying the goodies provided by the administrative at work. My English teacher Mrs. Norton and an elementary school teacher Mrs. Phipps inspired me to become a teacher.
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