Living My Life on Purpose!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I recently realized that I am in constant competition with myself. When I finished grad school I was so relieved not only to have my masters in education but also to finally have some free time. But then I had that feeling again…that feeling of what else should I be doing? So I joined a committee at work so that I can help create professional development goals for teachers. But was that enough? No! So I volunteered to be a member of my school’s PTA executive board because I wanted to plan more opportunities for parents to become involved in their child’s education. Then I started a blog, and now I am constantly thinking of ways I can use it to inspire more people. I couldn’t figure out why I always have this need to do more? Then it hit me, I am trying to make my life count. I am trying to live my life on purpose!

Many of us live such busy lives following the same routine not giving much thought about what our purpose is on this earth. For years I thought my only purpose was getting up every morning and getting my kids off to school, going to work, coming home, cooking dinner and starting it all over again the next day. While taking care of my family is a big part of who I am, I know now that I was made intentionally for a purpose.

My purpose in life is to educate, inspire and empower others. This is my passion, this reflects who I am inside. However, in order for me to realize this I had to:

1.Step out in faith and try new things that interested me.
2.Listen to that little voice that was pushing me to follow my dreams! (It was God!)
3.Be patient.

Each day I try to fulfill my purpose in some way. This has not only brought me a new kind of happiness but it has helped me to love the life that I am living even more!

What is your passion? How are you living your life on purpose?


Alicia on February 22, 2011 at 11:42 AM said...

Being in a rut is like the worse feeling ever, eh? Making your life count is what truly matters -- knowing you are here for a purpose and striving to fulfill that purpose. Just think about how many people, how many lives are waiting to to be touched by yours. And there you have it... live life on purpose. Love it!

Nicole on February 22, 2011 at 9:37 PM said...

I understand where you are coming from. I constantly ask God about my purpose. For me it has been a slow crawl, however the lessons that I've learned along the way are the firm foundation for who God is making me to be. I think that it is awesome that you want to encourage and inspire people. The world needs people like you. people who don't just talk about it, but are about it.

Mimi on February 24, 2011 at 12:10 PM said...

I am currently a SAHM, and I never saw that on the horizon but I believe I am where God wants me to be right now. Entrepreneurship is a passion of mine. Daily I dream of running a successful businesses while still managing to have the time to care for my family.

While I am working on making this a reality, I am finding that I am my own worse enemy and I am finding it hard to discipline myself. Lucky for me I am surrounded by other women and my bloggy BFFs who keep me motivated and I am thinking I am on my way! Finding our purpose in life is so important. I really think it is a constant journey as the tides turn in our lives we have to learn to move and roll with the punches while seeking God's face for the right path to take.

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