What Is That One Small Thing That Makes You Happy?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sometimes it’s the little things, the everyday moments that can make us happy! What is that one small thing that makes you happy?

For me it is when I am driving to work and one of my favorite old songs comes on the radio. It could be any New Edition song (I used to love Ralph Tresvant) or maybe something from Teena Marie (I know all the words to Square Biz, really I do!)  Singing my heart out in the car all by myself might make me look crazy to the people driving by but it puts me in a positive mood and gets me ready to start my day with a smile!

What is the one small thing that makes you happy?


ciara f. on January 11, 2011 at 3:53 PM said...

One small thing that makes me happy is SHOPPING. I love Jewlery!

Alicia on January 11, 2011 at 11:26 PM said...

Naps. Naps make me smile. Oh yea, and sugar cookies. #dontjudgeme

Anonymous said...

Small things that make me happy:having an unexpected snow day, a good cup of coffee in the AM, not having to go anywhere at night during the week, a fire in the fireplace, window candles lit when I get home.


Anonymous said...

small things that make me happy: staring at my baby sleeping, listening to music and dancing around my room, shopping, closing my eyes and remembering my dad's jokes, singing in the car as well:)

Dee said...

A hot shower and clean sheets. Starbucks. Time alone. Watching my daughter play. Husband cooking dinner and cleaning up afterwards. Snowdays.listening to my favorite songs.phone calls from friends....these are a few of my favorite things :)

Mrs. K on January 18, 2011 at 8:19 PM said...

Hey there, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. One thing that makes me happy is seeing the twinkle in my husband's eyes.

April said...

Watching a movie with my family...cuddling with my kids...talking on the phone with my girlfriend about everything...TAKING A LOOONG BATH (uninerupted)...these are small things that really make me happy!!

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