That little voice

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It all started with a dream. In the dream I saw myself in a role that I had never imagined myself in. However, when I woke up I realized that it was my destiny to become that person in the dream.

The whole day I keep thinking about the dream. I keep telling myself I couldn't possibly take on this responsibility. It would require so much time, work and sacrifice. But that little voice wouldn't let me stop thinking about it. Then I convinced myself that I didn't have the qualifications to take on such a big role. But that little voice led me back to the computer to look up successful people in these roles and found they have the same or similar qualifications as me. Then I thought, "What am I thinking? I could never do this alone and no one is going to be on board to help me bring this to fruition." But that little voice had me to talk to two other women who I know always have my back and they said..."let's do this". Then I thought my husband would never go for the idea it's too far fetched. But that little voice had me send him a page long email at work (although he is super busy) detailing the whole business plan and he replied immediately saying it was a wonderful idea.

So I guess the little voice won and the new journey in my life begins. It's a wonderful yet scary feeling but I know that it is part of fulfilling my purpose!

Isn't that little voice God amazing!!!!


Laila Knight on April 5, 2011 at 1:56 PM said...

I'm eager to hear what this new role is. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck...Yes the little voice is God, who created you, revealing His perfect plan for you life....God bless your new journey.

A. A. Harrison on April 6, 2011 at 6:41 PM said...

Like Laila, I am also eager to hear what the new role is.

Alicia on April 7, 2011 at 10:36 AM said...

Amen! All the time and He'll never give you more than you can handle because "all things work together for GOOD to them that love God, and are called according to HIS purpose." So stepping out on faith and believing is the only way to go now, knowing that He'll align everything the way it's supposed to be.

Now stop keeping us in suspense... what is this project you speak of? *wink*

Shannon on April 10, 2011 at 1:04 PM said...

LOVE IT! Funny that last Sunday I had a similar post (about God confirming His word to us). I just love how HE works, don't you! I cannot wait to hear/read all about what plans He has for you! What a great hubby and friends you have...

Blogirlfriend Shannon :)

Kerissa on April 18, 2011 at 11:37 AM said...

I'm reading this 8 days later and it is such a timely post. I've been dreaming and hoping and praying. The little voice has said it is time to make the leap but things are happening to push me out of my comfort zone. When the door opens I'm ready to leap in. So happy for you and can't wait to read all about it :)

P.S. posting my comments outside my google name because I can't log in :(

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