My father has always been a man of very few words. For example, if you asked him for permission to do something his answer usually was, "go ask your mother" or if you asked his opinion about something he could give it in one sentence or less. Even as a child words of affirmation was my
love language so growing up it was frustrating for me as I often wondered why he didn't have more to say. However, through the years I learned to read his silence and realized that it spoke volumes. Without saying a word I knew when my father was disappointed, impressed, annoyed, and amused. I could read it in his eyes, his expressions, and in between the few words that he did say.
Today my father turns 74 and looking back I thank God for all the things he has done for me more than the things he has spoken. I thank God for his love of learning that apparently has rubbed off on me. I thank God for giving him the strength to be the only working parent for many years and allowing my mother to be a sahm and take care of us. I thank God that he was able to walk me down the aisle and dance with me at my wedding. These gifts are priceless!!
So Happy Birthday Daddy and thank you because now I understand that your strength isn't in your words but in your heart.
Happy birthday to your dad!
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